5 Stages of Loss after a Disfiguring Injury
The days immediately following a severe bike accident can be overwhelming. If a bicyclist sustained serious and even disfiguring burns or scars associated with impact on pavement or with a vehicle, proper medical care presents challenges. Concerns about infection, discussions about potential surgeries, and pain management will take priority. Bike accident attorneys
After initial medical care has been received, the psychological effects of the disfiguring injury may surface. It’s not uncommon for such a bike accident victim to experience feelings of loss in while adapting to the changes in their physical appearance. While an actual death has not occurred, a victim may very likely grieve the loss of their former self.
The grieving process after a disfiguring injury may include:
Denial and isolation – you may have issues dealing with the reality of the situation or find yourself wanting to hide from the world and even your loved ones.
Anger – this anger may be directed at yourself, your loved ones, the person responsible for the accident, or all of the above.
Bargaining – this is when victims often start trying to bargain with a higher power, promising to change/be a better person if the scars go away.
Acceptance – this occurs once the victim realizes the full scope of what has happened and can move on in their recovery.
While many accident victims may deal with all of these stages, the coping process is unique for everyone and you may experience only 1 or 2 of the stages listed above. In addition, to support from loved ones, you may find it’s helpful to seek counseling from a licensed professional or to attend local support groups that focus on your type of accident or injury.
If you’ve sustained disfiguring injuries after a bike accident that someone else caused, you have every right to seek the emotional help you need, and may even be able to hold the other party liable for all of your counseling and therapy expenses. To find out more about your legal options for compensation, contact a bike accident lawyer.
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motorbike accident on the city street
Contacting a Bike Accident Lawyer
While you can’t predict whether a bike accident will happen to you or someone you love, you can be sure of your best course of action following an accident: Seek medical attention and one of our bike lawyers as soon as possible.
Recovering from your injuries after a bike accident should be your main priority, not dealing with insurance adjusters and complicated legal paperwork. Before accepting a settlement offer, contact our law office to schedule a no-cost consultation with a bike accident lawyer.